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Trimritt (no timing)

Start:             Between 10.00-12.00 in Mieron, 15 km north of Kautokeino village.

Finish line:     Máze school

Maximum time: 8 hours on finish, no later than 18:00. After 18.00 no can guarantee any

                      activity by Máze school, and you will not be registered for completing the ride.

Age limit:       According to regulations from NCF, all participants must have turned 13

                      years by the turn of the year.

Prizes:           Diploma to everyone who completes.

                      Pins to everyone who participates for the 1st, 4th and 8th time.

Binges turritt (competition)

Start:             13.00 in Mieron, 15 km north of Kautokeino village.

Objective:      Máze school

Max. time:     5 hours on finish, no later than 18:00. After 18.00 no can guarantee any

                      activity by Máze school, and you will not be registered for completing the ride.

Classes:        Women / Men 17-19 years

                      Women / Men 20-49 years

                      Women / men 50 years +

                      NB: Age class is determined by birth year.

Prizes:           Prize to overall winners women and men, and all class winners.

                      Diploma to everyone who completes.

                      Pins to everyone who participates for the 1st, 4th and 8th time.

Late entry registration, start number distribution and cafe at Mieron community center from 9:00 am.

Timekeeping: Participants will be given a start number slip with an integrated time tracking chip.

Bus transport is set up from Máze to Mieron before the race at 09.00 and 11.00, and after the race at 17.00.Bus ticket at 200 NOK resolved by bus (cash or Vipps).

To ensure yourself bus transportation, you need to tick off for it by registering. We cannot guarantee bus transport it you are not registered. 

Bicycles will be transported in a van or in a regular trailer, and will follow the bus at all time. The bicycles will be stacked together inside the van and the trailer. The bicycle transportation will be done on the owner's responsibility and it is the participant's own responsibility to wrap their bike if they deem this necessary.

Luggage will be transported from Mieron community center to Máze school.

Drink stations at Luossačahca after approx. 11 km, the Biggeluoppal lodge after approx. 31 km and before rising to Stuoroaivi after approx. 40 km. 

Showers and locker rooms at Máze school.


Cafe at Máze school with sale of wraps, hot dogs, coffee and cakes.


Prize-giving ceremony at Máze school around 16.00.


Skjermbilde 2024-08-21 185823.png
Sokki Adventure.png

Toni Economi AS


Suolovuopmi fjellstue AS

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